National Cat Day 2021

We love our cats everyday, and the creation of National Cat Day in 2005 by Pet and Family Lifestyle Expert & Animal Welfare Advocate Colleen Paige gives recognition to the wonderful addition cats bring to our families and our lives: fun, entertainment, joy and unconditional love.

But the two most important parts of the National Cat Day mission is:

To help galvanize the public to recognize the number of cats that need to be rescued each year
neuter or spay your cat
photo by shari smith dunaif © 2019

We believe in spaying & neutering as a way to end the suffering and overpopulation of cats around the globe.
  • Just under half of people surveyed responded say that they tell their cats “I love you.”
  • More than four-in-ten people surveyed own at least one cat! 57% of these cat owners have just one.

Love your cat! Happy National Cat Day, October 29, 2021